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Psilocybin: Safety, Side Effects & Types of Mushrooms

Psilocybin mushrooms produce psilocybin, which is typically present as a psychedelic substance. These psilocybin mushrooms are also called Magic Mushrooms. The research, from the old days to date, has shown that it can help people deal with their depression and anxiety.

What is Psilocybin?

Typically speaking, Psilocybin is a simple psychedelic belonging to the class of hallucinogenic tryptamines. Chemically it is known as 4-phosphoryloxy-N, n-dimethyltryptamine.

A huge number of magic mushrooms (100+) consists of psilocybin incorporated with psilocybe, Paneolus, and Conocybe. These mushrooms have been in use for over three thousand years.

Even with the current renaissance in psychedelics research, the psilocybin is still under arguments concerning its legal status, use, and the potential to treat patients therapeutically.

Psilocybin Content

Dried Mushrooms contain Psilocybin content between 0.2 – 1%. For research purposes, pure psilocybin intravenous injections or pills are given to the people. Although, recreationally, people consume dried and raw hallucinogenic mushrooms (separately or combined into beverages).


For clinical purposes, the suitable oral dose was 10-30 mg/ 7o kg. To have a psychedelic effect, the minimum dosage was 15mg orally. Current researches show that more than 25mg is used for high oral dosage while staying in a safety guideline state.


When psilocybin is orally consumed, it initially converts into psilocin (its active form) in the liver of the consumer. Later, psilocin enters into the blood and reaches the brain.


The effects are mainly on the peak after an hour or so and may last for four to six hours (for oral use). However, all the effects will vanish after six to eight hours, even if the high dose is consumed. The major effects on the brain are:

  • Ego Dissolution

The parts of the brain undergo a change, which is important to accomplish the therapeutic effects. In other words, the focus on the immediate action is sensed as the dissolution of the ego. The brain generally maintains consciousness. However, psilocybin leads the brain to an unrestrained cognition – It can be considered an opening of a valve for a short interval.

  • Sensory Changes:

Another effect faced by consumers comprises intensified emotions with some sensory perceptions. They experience a great struggle in concentrating, dreaminess, and loss of ego boundaries.

  • Altered State of Consciousness:

A major difference is noticed when different dosages are consumed the higher the dosage, the more the consciousness shift observed. Moreover, blurred boundaries between person and the environment were obvious, like touching or merging the thoughts with a higher reality. Hallucinations are caused due to medium or high dosages, whereas, minor variations in perception is caused by the low doses.

Side Effects:

Psilocybin does not root any severe injurious effects for the controlled psychotherapeutic environment. In contrast, the higher dose of psilocybin possibly causes fears or anxiety as the feelings of lack of control, and ego dissolution is felt.

For a trial, 18 people were given a high dose, and it caused them various feelings. 39% of people sensed extreme fear or felt trapped, while 44% of people reported paranoid thinking or delusions. Conclusively, none responded as a decrease of wellbeing and satisfied from life (if the overall experience is observed).

Other effects shown by the clinical studies are:

  • Mood swings

  • Fatigue

  • Yawning

  • Dizziness

  • Uncommon body sensations

  • Increase in heart-rate/ blood pressure (minor)

Types of Psychedelic Mushroom

Psychedelic Mushrooms generally exist with more than 100 species. However, the recognized ones include:

  • Psilocybe azurescens (highest psilocybin content)

  • Psilocybe bohemica (second highest psilocybin content)

  • Copelandia cyanescens

  • Psilocybe Mexicana

  • Inocybe aeruginascens

  • Psilocybe cyanescens

  • Psilocybe tampanensis

  • Conocybe cyanopus

  • Panaeolus africanus

  • Psilocybe cubensis

  • Panaeolus subbalteatus

  • Psilocybe semilanceata

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